Tuesday 18 September 2007

Spheres The Band

Spheres are a dynamic four piece hailing from the North East of England. The band comprises of;

Joe - bass guitar

Johnny - guitar

Daniel - drums

Seamus - vocals.

The band began in the depths of their living rooms upon leaving school, this was before Seamus came on the scene. Their recording studio consisted of a dictaphone and micraphone.

To begin with they weren't really interested in taking the band anywhere, purely for personal satisfaction of the jamming sessions they held together. Over the last few years they have split and reformed upon numerous occasions, the last time 18 months ago, which is when Seamus came along. This is also when they decided to move the band onwards and upwards.

After having played numerous gigs over the last 18 months, the lads all agree that their favourite gig was Sedgefield Cricket Club, for the atmosphere, and their worst was The Fishtank because of the amount of stairs they had to lug their equipment up ! However, such an obstacle creates great team spirit, and this is something the this four piece are not lacking in.

Spheres have won Battle of The Bands twice now, the last one being earlier this year, culminating in the chance to open for Wheatus. Another gig they enjoyed, but there was one major observation made, there was no interaction from Wheatus. They just got on stage, performed and left, they didn't interact with anyone around them. This is one thing that Spheres have assured me will never happen with them, when their day comes.

As you read this, Spheres will be heading into the studio to record some new material and perhaps a little re-mastering of older songs, something to look forward to. This recording is also going to be pushed out to a multitude of record companies. Good luck guys !

Quote: Seamus "The recordings don't capture the dynamic we have on stage!"

That statement is very true, having witnessed the local phenomenon that is Spheres, the cd doesn't do them justice. To truly appreciate their unique amazing sound, a live experience is a must !

Currently the band are working on an official webspace, but do have a vast number of fans on their myspace page (see link below). An excellent place for them to showcase their music. Also floating around myspace and youtube are various pieces of mobile phone footage taken at various gigs. Not of the best quality, but... Perhaps a "live" recording could be an idea ?

When it comes to the writing of the material the whole band contribute. Joe, Johnny and Daniel come up with the music, they play it to Seamus who then comes up with the ideas for the lyrics. A good team effort.

As a whole the band don't pull in inspirations from anyone, they have their own unique sound, and in my humble opinion, can't really be compared to anybody else.

When it comes to musical influences, the chaps are very individual, with Daniel liking classical music and Seamus liking sounds from Garth Brooks to Skunk Anansie, and everything inbetween.

Their interest in music is something that has always been there from an early age, it never "just developed".

I asked the band what their all time favourite song was and got a mixed reply.

Daniel - "a song about feelings and emotions, all for different reasons"

Joe - "Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. There's a hook in it that just grabs you"

Johnny & Seamus - "it depends on the mood, we go through phases".

Over the 18 months the band have amassed a huge following in their area and have a few good achievements under their belts, what do they feel is their best achievement to date ?

Joe - "the following we've got, people coming up to us and giving their encouragement. To stand up on stage and see how much the whole band is playing, Dan hitting drums with some force, Seamus belting it out, all in the world looking at our photo's taken by other people. To see how much feeling there is, seeing the fans at the gigs, the looks on their faces."

There is no doubting how much passion Spheres have.

I asked the band what they thought of myspace...

"A lot of bands rely on myspace, but it's not the b all and end all, it's good exposure and gets youre music out there. It's all well and good having lots of friends on there, but if they're not going to the gigs, what's it worth?"

A very good and apt philosophy.

The name "Spheres" came from an interesting concept. It comes from atoms and particles, a sphere is a fundamental part of life, they are all around us. Hence the name..

A band that will be all around us, encapsulating our listening devices.

This is Spheres....

To catch them LIVE:

2nd Dec - Cassop Club, Cassop

6th Dec - Mohans, Middlesborough

7th Dec - Peterlee College

15th Dec - Trimdon Community Centre, Trimdon

31st Dec - Spheres New Years Party - Trimdon Labour Club (don't forget my 4 tickets lads!)

12th Jan 2008 - Battle of The Bands Semi Final @ The Independant Sunderland


Spheres Live @ The Crown, Spennymoor 27th October 2007.

I was lucky enough to get the chance to witness the Spheres phenomenom live last month, and what a gig it was. The venue itself was small and not ideal for such an event, but the atmosphere was highly charged.

The pub itself was full of Spheres fans and locals come to watch the band and the band didn't disappoint. They played a mixture of current material and a couple of new ones, but the ones that got everybody up dancing was the iconic "FighterFly" and "Writings on the Wall". The floor was full of heaving bodies, jumping and dancing to the music. Such energy on and off stage.
The bands mere presence was enough to get the crowd going and the cheers will certainly have woken the neighbourhood. The band also invited the audience up on stage with them towards the end, not much breathing space left there.
This was an experience second to none and not one I'd like to miss again, roll on New Years Eve.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Jordan Gray


There's a new talent emerging on the scene, showing off his wares on Myspace, he goes by the username Tall Dark Friend. I'd like you all to meet Jordan Gray..

Hi Jordan what got you started in music ?

Well, my Mom is a good singer and she had a fantastic record collection when we were growing up, a lot of modern country and motown. My Dad is big on the Elvis circuit, he used to do the whole Elvis mime dance thing and won every time, I can't dance like him though.I was a big MJ fan, still am, and in middle school I did two or three MJ tributes that got me going. I did the whole punk thing with a couple o' guys, got pretty big with a bunch o' mates singing heavy metal but eventually it got to be too much for me and so I settled back into a wonderful acoustic pop-rock trio.. with the two single most amazing guys I've ever worked with, Ben Sullivan and Joe Wilson really made the first few years worth while. When I realised they'd both be off to uni soon I taught myself piano and figured I'd go solo and see what happened. I guess I got lucky..

You taught yourself well, I personally, along with a lot of your fans, think you're an exceptional piano player, and am rather glad you went solo.Is there a genre you favour over others ?

I'm a big Jazz fan. Jazz and blues are difficult genres to pull off, especially nowadays, but they're totally worth it and stick with you for the rest of your life. Progressive acoustic rock is doing very well nowadays too.

They are worth it, and there is a lot more of both in the mainstream at the moment, with the likes of Jamie Cullum and Katie Melua.

What are your top 5 favourite songs ?

Ooh, no no no! lol

Ok, but they change..

5. 9 Crimes – Damien Rice

4. A Night In Tunisia – 'Yardbird' Charlie Parker

3. Human Nature – Michael Jackson

2. Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley (written by Leonard Cohen)

1. Lost Remembered Forgotten And Gone – Ben Sullivan of The Juniper Zoots

Some good choices there, mine change all the time too. One of mine is currently Ghostigator ;)

Aside from from music, what other interests do you have?

I write a lot, play table tennis, swim sometimes. To be honest, other than the music, food is my biggest interest. I love to eat, everything, and there's nothing wrong with that so long as you exercise, no diet can compare with a good exercise regime. I sometimes act in theatre if there's nothing else going on at the time.

Where do you draw your inspirations from ?

People are a wonderful source. I love people and how they interact with other people. I would bet most singer-songwriters are avid 'people watchers'. I was taken very ill between 2005 and early 2007 and I suppose I do draw a lot from those experiences.

Hmm yes, "people watching" a very lucrative pastime that one. It is amazing what you can get from watching a person.

If you had the chance to spend a day with one musician (alive or dead) who would it be and why?

I would love to have spent a day with the great Jeff Buckley, maybe even played a gig with him in Chicago or something. People who knew him say he lit up their whole lives with what he'd say and how he'd say it. I wish I'd been old enough to appreciate him when he was alive. Failing that I reckon a day with Ray Charles would have been a blast, I'm sure he could have taught me a thing or two.

Is there anything about the current music industry that you don't like ?

The music industry today seems more focused on the mainstream than they ever have before. A lot of big names today sound very British, Mancunian to be specific, which I suppose I do enjoy, but I think it is because they are more patriotic than they are talented that they make it big.I don't like the facelessness of today's industry either, things aren't very personal any more, not like the 50's and the 60's.

It has been very focused on commercialism, and it's a shame because there is so much unique talent out there.

What has been your biggest achievement to date ?

Well, the first album 'Beautiful' was entirely self produced, from the music, to the graphics, to the distribution, so I suppose I am very proud of that. Reaching the H-Factor finals (September 25th at The Four Seasons in Laindon) is a big thing for me, winning and heading off to the nationals would probably be one of the biggest things to date. There's been a recent major label interest which is exciting but just getting through these past few years and having something to show for it is by far my proudest achievement.

That is a fantastic achievement, and quite rightly you should be proud.

What are your plans for the future?

Ooh, lots of stuff. H-Factor Nationals (Jordan WON), 2nd album 'The Anti-Hero' just hit the studio floor, there's talk of a university tour across the country and a lot of work in London to promote the image.

Excellent, so we'll all get too see you touring the country. Something to look forward to.

Have you got anything in the pipeline ?

I'd like to network with a bunch of established musicians and put together a collaboration of some sort. Any saxophonists out there interested in a slot on the 2nd album? Besides that the sky's the limit, I'm so excited I can't contain it really, all I can say is I hope people will lend their support and look out for me, things are moving pretty fast and it could be any day now that I get the break I need.

Jordan is a very humble and unassuming chap, who did a wonderful thing a few months ago, he actually wrote a song called Ghostigator for me to help raise funds for Cancer Research UK, for an event I'm doing. Thanks Jordan.

Thanks for taking the time to speak to me Jordan, I wish you well and all the luck in the world, but somehow I don't think you're going to need it. I look forward to hearing your CD.

If you want to see and hear more of Tall Dark Friend, please visit his myspace



Good luck with the H finals, please come back and let us know how you get on.